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Newton Abbot Town Council News

Annual Town Meeting

Free ice cream among laws suggested at annual town meeting

TONGUE-IN-CHEEK laws suggested by youngsters at the Newton Abbot Annual Town Meeting on Saturday [May 19] included free ice cream, daughter and mother days every day, and for strawberries to rain from the sky on Fridays.

A more reflective idea was to plant three trees for every one felled while one dad, Sean Kirby, called for the legalisation of pot… hole filling.

The proposals were captured on rosettes created by the children who wore them with pride to spread the ‘vote me’ message.

The free fun activity reflected the more serious aim of the day which was to gather public opinion about services and facilities in the town.

Each community is legally bound to hold an annual meeting but most take place in halls or council chambers, often during the evening, meaning very few residents attend.

For several years Newton Abbot Town Council has instead erected a gazebo in the main shopping centre during the busiest part of the day, resulting in thousands of people having their say on countless topics.

Saturday’s event was another success with hundreds of conversations taking place between elected members, council staff and passers by.

‘I’m thrilled with the number of people we’ve engaged with, yet another very worthwhile exercise with the town council reaching out to the public,’ said Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker.

‘Most comments I heard were about our changing high streets, something being seen across the country of course, as more businesses go online.

‘But the good news in Newton Abbot is that our shop vacancy rate is well below the national average and the Town Council is constantly adding to the events programme so people still have plenty of reasons to visit.

‘We’re listening to the public and will do everything we can to keep Newton Abbot streets ahead of the web.’

Town Clerk Phil Rowe said more than 150 engagement forms had been handed out, in addition to the face-to-face conversations.

‘There’s not a council chamber in the country that would attract an audience that size,’ he said. ‘Staging the Newton Abbot Annual Meeting in the street is here to stay.’

The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting, but one hosted by the authority to enable residents to quiz members and officers on their past year’s work or raise matters of interest to electors.

It is a requirement of Local Government Act 1972 for town and parish councils to stage such events between March 1 – June 1 inclusive.

Below: Facilities Maintenance Officers Tony Little (L) and Steve Ryan show off some of the low and high tech cleaning kit

Below: Families enjoy the rosette and law-proposing activity with Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker in attendance

Below: Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker prepares to meet with the public

Below: Sean Kirby and three-year-old son Ellis wearing their rosettes. Sean wanted to legalise pot… hole repairs while Ellis asked for free ice cream.

Eric Collar: A Man of the Trees

NEWTON Abbot Town Council has bid a fond farewell to its Voluntary Tree Advisor Eric Collar who stepped down in October aged 94.

In more than 20 years with the authority, Eric advised members on planning applications which threatened to remove trees, probably saving hundreds from the axe.

Despite understanding little about the subject at first, he accumulated a vast body of knowledge and learned to appreciate the importance of trees to both society and the environment.

‘Trees are life and we need more of them,’ he said.

Before volunteering with the Town Council, Eric spent 40 years as a bus controller in his native Home Counties.

Later, with wife Janet, he opened a guesthouse in Aller and their successful ten years on the busy road between Newton Abbot and Torquay was followed by Eric returning to the transport industry for another short stint.

By 2001 Eric was in his 70s and assumed retirement was on the horizon.

But the then Town Clerk, Rod Tuck, had other ideas.

He knew Eric through the Chamber of Trade and appreciated his methodical approach and attention to detail.

‘Rod said to me, now you’ve retired I’ve got just the job for you and it’s to do with trees,’ recalled Eric.

‘I knew nothing about them at the time.’

According to wife Janet, Eric rose to the challenge by immersing himself in all things arboreal, reading books and asking questions of professionals.

‘He really, really put himself into it,’ she said.

So extensive did Eric’s knowledge become that he was dubbed ‘Wood Man’ by the late Henry Cole, a town councillor for many years and later made an Honorary Freeman for his services.

Eric championed the cause of the town’s trees with vigour, challenging the need to fell anything other than diseased or damaged specimens.

‘Quite a few people move into this area and then the autumn comes,’ he said.

‘Leaves fall down on the ground and they say “oh dear” and all the rest of it, so they say “fell them, fell them” but I was dead against it.

‘We need trees, sorry but we do, and I was very forceful on it.

‘If it’s diseased that’s it, it’s finished.

‘If it’s struck by a vehicle there’s not a lot you can do about it, you’ve got to lose it.

‘However, if the ground isn’t affected by fungus or other problems I’d always recommend that it was replaced, that was a condition of saying yes to felling.’

Asked why protecting trees had become a passion he said: ‘Because it’s nature. We need it, the air we breathe. The mere existence of a tree, it’s a cycle, we need them as human beings.

‘One of the things I always remember as a boy, we used to cycle down to Chichester through the South Downs and there, in the autumn, the broad leaved trees, colour, really cracking!’

Janet added: ‘You’ve also got to think of the birds, think of the insects, they’ve got to live somewhere.’

Asked if it felt good to have done his bit for the town’s trees Eric said, without hesitating, ‘Oh yes, good lord yes.’

Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker expressed his gratitude, saying:

‘Most people in their 70s decide to sit back and take it easy, not Eric however.

‘He took it upon himself to delve deeply into the subject and provided the council with sound advice for more than two decades, all on a voluntary basis.

‘We are extremely grateful for all he has done and his sense of civic duty is an example to us all.

‘May Eric and Janet continue to enjoy many happy years together without the demands of serving the public, month in month out.’

Eric, who endured a spell of poor health earlier this year, still intends to attend his regular Probus meetings and keep his mind active with interests such as rail and the campaign to re-open the line from Buckfastleigh to Ashburton.

Asked how he felt about his 22 years as Tree Advisor he said: ‘It’s been interesting, always, oh yes. It was worth the effort, definitely.’

The attached photo shows Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker with Mr and Mrs Collar during a farewell presentation at the November 15 meeting of the Full Council

For more information please email [email protected] or call 01626 201120.

Free family fun with Santa in Newton Abbot this Christmas

Free family fun with Santa in Newton Abbot this Christmas – and a seasonal visit from the wondrous Ipplepen Carnival Float.

MARK the date on your calendar – Saturday November 25 is Christmas lights switch-on in Newton Abbot!

FREE children’s entertainment, a parade of more than 250 lanterns, a visit by the spectacular Ipplepen Carnival float, character walkabouts and chances to meet Santa are all part of this year’s month-long Christmas celebrations being organised by Newton Abbot Town Council.

Also being promised are a dog-friendly carol service, free craft events and balloons, stilt walkers, live music, fireside selfies in the Clock Tower and more besides.

Events get under way on Saturday November 25 with free face painting between 12 noon – 4pm and selfies in the Clock Tower 11am – 1pm.

The town centre will also host walkabout appearances from larger than life town mascot Newton, performances from the Taiko Drummers, stilt walkers and presenters from Torbay Hospital Radio.

The day’s events will climax in the fun-filled festive parade, starting in Queen Street at 5pm and leading on to the 5.30pm Christmas lights switch-on at the Clock Tower.

Accompanying Santa and his sleigh will be the amazing frost-fair themed Ipplepen Carnival Float, ‘Jack’s Back!’, and the specially-illuminated Stagecoach bus together with mascot Gary the Rabbit.

The Mayor and Consort will be riding in an open-topped car and for the first time Newton will be having his own float.

Operations permitting, a crew from Newton Abbot Fire Station will be rolling out one of their gleaming red fire engines for fans to admire.

Every following Saturday up to and including December 23 there will be plenty of entertainment and activities.

The ever-popular Victorian Evening will take place on Wednesday December 6 with street food, charity stalls in Market Square, another appearance from Santa, walkabout acts, shows by children’s entertainer Elfic and carol singing with pupils from Bradley Barton Primary School.

On Saturday December 9, pet lovers are encouraged to come into town for the doggy carol service in partnership with the Animals in Distress charity.

There will also be live music from the Forte singing group and free craft activities with Creative Newton Abbot.

Drawing in the crowds on Wednesday December 13 will be the parade of more than 250 lanterns created by children across town, starting at Bearnes Primary School and gathering at the Clock Tower at 6.30pm.

A storyteller will offer festive tales at 7pm with Santa happy to meet and greet 6pm – 8pm.

Late night shopping will be complemented with live music, street food, stilt walkers and fireside selfies in the Clock Tower.

On Wednesday December 20 a 6pm performance by the Rock Choir will precede the Mayor’s Christmas Carols at 6.30pm, all taking place by the Clock Tower.

Santa will again be in town 6pm – 8pm with more walkabout entertainment including giant illuminated roller-skating Christmas presents.

‘We’re really looking forward to this year’s fantastic programme of free festive events,’ said Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker.

‘It won’t cost families a penny to enjoy the celebrations so relax and enjoy everything on offer and support our traders if you can.

‘It will be a real treat for us to see faces new and old filling the streets of Newton Abbot this Christmas.’

The full events listing can be viewed at

Christmas Lights Switch-on nears

Excitement mounts as Newton Abbot Christmas lights switch-on nears

ORGANISERS of the November 25 Christmas lights switch-on in Newton Abbot have said excitement is mounting as the big day approaches.

The fun and games are due to get under way at 11am when St Leonards’s Clock Tower opens its doors for fireside selfies until 1pm.

Also at 11am, town mascot Newton will start the first of his walkabouts and, if previous years are anything to go by, youngsters of all ages will be queuing up to have their photos taken with him.

At 12 noon, free children’s entertainment will begin with face painting, balloons and crafts from Creative Newton Abbot.

Street food stalls are set to start trading at 1pm in Courtenay Street and an hour later, DJs from Torbay Hospital Radio will spin their first discs by the Clock Tower.

At 2.30pm the Taiko Drummers will begin an hour-long performance followed by the ever-popular stilt-walkers from 4pm – 6pm.

The Christmas Parade from The Avenue to the Clock Tower is set to start at 5pm, featuring Father Christmas, Newton’s Float, the Ipplepen Winter Carnival Float, cars from Prestige Events plus The Mayor and his Consort.

Also expected to take part, operations permitting, is one of the town’s fire engines and crew.

All eyes will be turned skywards at 5.30pm when Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker and Santa throw the switch to illuminate the town for the festive season.

There will be free giveaways for children in the afternoon and evening while stocks last, plus the chance to meet and greet Santa on his sleigh after the lights switch-on until 6.30pm.

‘It’s been a lot of hard work but endless fun putting together this year’s Christmas programme and we can’t wait for the lights switch-on on Saturday November 25,’ said Natalie Hicks, Events Co-ordinator for Newton Abbot Town Council.

‘The excitement is mounting and we’re sure everyone will love our month of free family fun and games as December 25 gets ever nearer.

‘We look forward to welcoming thousands of people and, dare I say it already, happy Christmas everyone!’ The full programme is listed at

Newton Abbot War Memorial decorated with 800 hand-knitted poppies

THE Newton Abbot War Memorial has been decorated with 800 hand-knitted poppies in advance of this year’s Remembrance Sunday service on November 12.

The task was carried out on Friday October 27 by volunteers from the Town Council, Museum and local Royal British Legion.

Newton Abbot Town Council Events Co-ordinator Natalie Hicks is delighted with the results and said: ‘A big thank-you to my team of volunteers who helped me attach all 800 knitted poppies to the railings around the War Memorial this morning. 

‘Also of course to all those who created these stunning poppies.

‘As always this creates a big impact and visually looks remarkable.’ 

The parade through town and service are due to take place 10am – 11.30am and will be streamed live via the Town Council’s Facebook page.

Details can be found on the Newton Abbot Town Council website,

‘We would be honoured should anyone choose to join us on Sunday November 12 to remember the fallen, either in person or via our Facebook page,’ said Natalie.

Classic car show returns to Newton Abbot

THE motoring clock is due to be turned back a few decades in Newton Abbot on Saturday May 27 when the town centre plays host to its latest classic car show.

From 9am – 4pm scores of cherished vehicles are expected to gather around the Clock Tower and neighbouring streets in a free display that has always wowed the crowds in previous years.

While proud owners swap notes with fellow enthusiasts and chat to visitors, the retro atmosphere will be boosted further by live performances from The Liberty Sisters and popular local vocalist Simon Prince, singing a selection of hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

The event is being organised by members of local car club, Teignbridge Classics, in partnership with Newton Abbot Town Development Manager Sally Henley.

‘There has been a great deal of interest in the show already, our town centre is a popular destination for classic car owners as we know from past events,’ said Sally.

‘It is a great day out for both them and shoppers, there’s always a great atmosphere in town.

‘This will be the second year that Teignbridge Classics is in charge of the show and I know that, weather permitting, it’s promising to be a full house.

‘It’s going to be a real treat for everyone and I’m sure the town will be buzzing all day.

‘But if you can’t make it, or one show just isn’t enough, don’t forget that we’ll be staging another classic car gathering in September, again thanks to Teignbridge Classics about whom you can find out all at their website,

‘Parp parp, as Mr Toad would say!’

For more information please email [email protected].

The above image shows members of Teignbridge Classics with a selection of Minis outside Austins!