Snow Plan
SNOW PLAN 2022/23
First Issued November 2012
Reviewed/Updated November 2022

1.0 Summary
This snow plan details how Newton Abbot Town Council will co-ordinate snow treatment/clearance activities in the event of a heavy snow fall or ice on roads and pavements in the town.
This plan contains a list of available Snow Wardens.
This plan should be read in conjunction with the County Council’s Adverse Weather advice –
Winter advice – Safety and Emergencies (
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the co-ordination of Council resources for snow clearance activities. As with any plan events may make it necessary to vary the agreed response. Any variations will be notified when updates are produced.

Contents Page | |
Health and Safety Considerations | 4 |
Liability | 4 |
Contact List | 5 |
Procedure for Implementation. | 6 |
Key Roles and Responsibilities | 6 |
Snow Clearance Priorities | 7 |
General Guidance Notes | 8 |
Travelling in Winter | 9 |

1.0 Health and Safety Considerations
- To reduce the risk of slips on ice, frost or snow, you need to assess the risk and put in a system to manage it.
- Identify the outdoor areas used by pedestrians most likely to be affected by ice, for example: – building entrances, car parks, pedestrian walkways, shortcuts, sloped areas and areas constantly in the shade or wet.
- Monitor the temperature, as prevention is key.
- You need to take action whenever freezing temperatures are forecast. Keep up to date by visiting a weather service site such as the Met Office or the Highways England.
- Put a procedure in place to prevent an icy surface forming and/or keep pedestrians off the slippery surface;
- Use grit or similar, on areas prone to be slippery in frosty, icy conditions;
- Consider covering walkways e.g., by an arbour high enough for people to walk through, or use an insulating material on smaller areas overnight;
- Divert pedestrians to less slippery walkways and barrier off existing ones.
2.0 General Assumptions
Snow clearance will only be carried out in the event that:
- It is possible to get staff and equipment safely to the area to be cleared.
- It is deemed safe for staff to undertake the work required.
- All staff undertaking snow clearance work are equipped with suitable protective clothing.
- Salt/grit is available for the treatment of the areas cleared.
3.0 Liability
Advice on snow clearance is that it is very unlikely that anyone would face any legal liability for clearing snow and ice provided this has been done sensibly and does not make the areas cleared more dangerous. As a general principle the preference should be to carry out snow clearance provided that the cleared areas can be salted/gritted afterwards (it maybe decided that salting is not necessary if temperatures are above freezing, and a thaw is forecast). People using areas affected by snow and ice have a responsibility to be careful themselves.
4.0 Contacts List
NAME | ADDRESS | Contact |
Newton Abbot Town Council | Newton’s Place 43 Wolborough Street Newton Abbot TQ12 1JQ | 01626 – 201 120 |
Philip Rowe, Town Clerk | -o0o- | 01626 – 882 552 07850 795 071 |
Tony Little Steve Ryan David Samson Facilities Maintenance Officers, NATC | Newton’s Place 43 Wolborough Street Newton Abbot TQ12 1JQ | 01626 201 120 |
Mark Pepper TDC Steve Ramage TDC | Brunel Depot, Forde Road TDC | |
Mike Walsh, Markets Manager, TDC | Market Street | 01626 – 215 426 |
Mr Keith Smith | Abbotsbury | |
Councillor Mike Joyce | ||
Councillor Mike Ryan | ||
Councillor David Howe | ||
Councillor Phil Bullivant | ||
Mr Andrew Churchill | ||
Mr Peter Boulter |
5.0 Procedure for Implementation
The snow plan is designed to be implemented in the event of a significant snowfall or formation of significant ice event.
Implementation of the plan will require an email to all users, councillors and parish Snow Wardens informing them that the plan is to be implemented.
Within this email, an emergency contact telephone number will be stated.
5.1 Chain of Command
The Town Council will be responsible for liaising with the District Council regarding the utilisation of the snow resources. Any requests for snow clearance works, or the reallocation of these resources must be directed through the Town Council.
5.2 Key Roles and Responsibilities
The Town Council is responsible for:
Liaising with the District and County Councils regarding deployment of resources in accordance with the priorities set out in this plan.
Liaising with the winter maintenance co-ordinator at DCC’s Rydon Depot.
Liaising with the parish Snow Wardens.
Providing daily updates on the work completed and plans for the next 24hrs.
5.3 Snow Wardens
Ensuring that the stocks of salt/grit as contained in salt/grit bins are maintained at the areas for which they are responsible – as a guide Snow Wardens should consider reordering salt when stocks drop to 50% of the agreed levels.
Ensuring that they operate safely at all times and carry out the necessary risk assessments.
Liaising with NATC regarding the need for available resources to clear areas for which they are responsible.
Effect such snow clearance/application of salt as appropriate in the areas for which they are responsible.
NB – Stock levels of salt/grit bins are checked in November each year and replenished as necessary.
5.4 TDC Waste Management Officer will be responsible for:
Mobilising the salt spreading equipment as appropriate.
Liaising with the TDC Rangers regarding the need for the towing vehicles
Ensuring that the Town Council is provided with updates on a regular basis.
Chris Braines
Waste Management Officer
Teignbridge District Council, Clean Services, Forde Road, Newton Abbot TQ12 4AD
Tel 01626 215841 Fax 01626 334882
All out of hours calls should be directed to Home Safeguard via: 01626 361 101
6.0 Snow Clearance Priorities
Primary and secondary traffic routes will be prioritised and treated by Devon County Council.
This includes major roads and routes to larger settlements, as well as accesses to emergency services such as hospitals or fire stations to make travelling as safe as possible.
Despite this, 80% of roads are not routinely treated. Details of gritting routes in Devon can be found at:
The town centre footways and car parks.
Brunel Industrial Estate
Buckland Estate
Areas as requested by the public/Snow Wardens as a priority due to access issues.
6.1 Devon County Council – Winter Service and Emergency Plan 2020-21
Please copy and paste the following link into your browser or press ctrl and click on your keyboard:
Winter Service and Emergency Plan – Roads and transport (

7.0 General Guidance Notes
Clearance of Highway Network: DCC is responsible for clearance and salting of the highway network. This is done on a priority basis – details of their priority routes can be found on DCC’s website at:
Clearance of snow by volunteers/community groups: The Council is keen to encourage public-spirited volunteers to get out in their communities and support people who are affected by severe weather conditions. Whether shovelling the snow away from schools or transporting food and medicine to the vulnerable. Anyone wishing to help with snow clearance is encouraged to do so, as long as they are careful, and use common sense to ensure that you do not make the pavement or pathway more dangerous than before. People using areas affected by snow and ice also have responsibility to be careful themselves. Further information on snow clearance by volunteers/community groups can be found on the district council and Directgov website.
Clearance of car parks: Guidance should be taken from the TDC car parking manager on the areas to be cleared, as a general principle the priority should be to clear access into the car parks, clearance of spaces should be dealt with as a 2nd priority. In the event of large accumulations of snow, storage of cleared snow can cause problems.
Communication: Regular information updates will be provided through the Council websites and emailed to all users and parish council. Press releases and radio announcements will be a good source of information.
8.0 Travelling In Winter
Commuting to work: Staff will be expected to get to work if they can do so safely.
Staff unable to get to work: Staff that live in the Newton Abbot Parish but are unable to get to their main place of work, and are unable to work from home, should consider volunteering for any snow clearance work which may be required within walking distance of their home address.
Protocol for deployment of Council staff: In the event of a heavy snowfall, staff will be expected to carry out their normal duties, whether working from home or the office.
Access to Council offices: Newton’s Place will be open if it is safe so to do.
Flooding following a rapid thaw: If flooding is anticipated then residents are encouraged make their own arrangements to protect their property, however, in emergency situations the District Council can provide a limited number of sandbags. Residents will be encouraged to monitor and clear road gullies that may have become blocked by snow and ice to help reduce the risk of flooding.
Devon County Council – Winter Travel Plan
Please copy and paste the following link into your browser or press ctrl and click on your keyboard:
Winter Service and Emergency Plan – Roads and transport (