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Council Meeting – 5th June 2024


Appendix A – Minutes of the Meeting of the Council on 13th March 2024

Appendix B – Minutes of the Meeting of the Annual Council on 15th May 2024

Appendix C – Mayoral Activities

Appendix D – Queen Street Business Support

Appendix E – Code of Conduct

Appendix F – Statement of Internal Control

Appendix G – Anti Fraud and Corruption

Appendix H – Business Continuity and Council Risk Management

Appendix I – Flag Flying

Appendix J – Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee on 12th March 2024

Appendix K – Minutes of the Meeting of the Community & Heritage Committee on 27th March 2024

Appendix L – Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee on 2nd April 2024

Appendix M – Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee on 23rd April 2024

Appendix N – Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee on 14th May 2024