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Town Development

Sally Henley – Town Development Manager

I have been the Newton Abbot Town Development Manager since Christmas 2008. My background is in retail management with national chains such as Boots, Next and M&Co and finally with QS – where for ten years, I managed the 250 stores operating in the South of England and Wales. More recently I  was in charge of the development, opening and subsequent management of the new Princesshay shopping and residential district in Exeter. I have a good understanding of what it is like to be a retailer, a property developer, a landlord and a public servant. I am therefore in a somewhat unique position of being able to cut across traditionally perceived communication and operational barriers.

As Newton Abbot’s Town Development Manager, my role is to promote the physical, social and economic wellbeing of our town and I do this through working in liaison with the following groups.

  • Local business community
  • Chamber of Trade
  • General public and residents
  • Representatives of organisations and agencies
  • Local and national charities
  • Environmental groups
  • Educational establishments
  • Town, District and County Councils
  • Neighbouring authorities and Town Management

So What Do I Do?

  • I identify ways of improving our business environment and enhancing our visitor and shopper experience.
  • I identify ways of driving footfall into the town centre.
  • I act as the Voice of Businesses to the Councils and can also be the Voice of the Council to the Businesses, providing a quick and efficient route into either sector and being a point of contact for all sorts of issues.
  • I identify funding opportunities for small works which might improve the town centre infrastructure and facilitate events and town centre activities.
  • I act as Town Development Ambassador, which can be effective as my holistic view of our town allows me to speak with the authority of the businesses and partnerships.
  • I help to define, communicate and implement agreed visions, objectives and plans for our town.

Contact me with queries on the following:

  • Business promotion within the pedestrianised areas of the town centre
  • Busking and performance queries
  • New events
  • Product Placement activity
  • Concerns regarding the public realm
  • Street activity
  • Enquiries regarding property in the town centre
  • Town Centre facilities
  • Support with new business ventures
  • General information about the town and its people
  • Pre-application discussions on street cafe licenses. CLICK HERE for more details
  • Pre-application discussions on the Shop Improvement Grant Scheme. CLICK HERE for more details

Please Talk to Me!

Not often found at a desk, I usually can be found out and about in the town centre. However, when I need a desk, I can be found on the top floor of Newton’s Place in Wolborough Street.

Your feedback is very valuable, so please do get in touch at any time.

You can contact me in various ways:

  • By e-mail at  [email protected]
  • By phone on 07595 893 151
  • Twitter @NewtonTownWoman
  • Facebook @NewtonAbbotNow
  • Stop me when you see me! I’m always out and about in the town centre
  • Write to me c/o Newton’s Place, 43 Wolborough Street, Newton Abbot, TQ12 1JQ

Keeping you in the loop  – If you wish to be updated on events and information relating to the town, please contact me and I will gladly add you to my contact list.

Each April Newton Abbot Town Council holds the Annual Town Meeting in the town centre.  Please CLICK HERE for my lateste report