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An extra 61p per week to safeguard services in Newton Abbot

BAND D households in Newton Abbot are being asked to contribute an extra 61p per week to help the Town Council keep on top of tasks such as street cleaning, running the Museum and staging events including the hugely popular Christmas festivities.

The weekly rise for Band A, B and C properties will belower at40p, 47p and 54prespectively.

The decision was taken in January as part of the authority’s legal requirement to set its share of the Council Tax bill for 2024/2025.

Among the duties undertaken by Newton Abbot Town Council are maintenance of various footpaths and public seats plus the care of Town Quay, Victoria Gardens, Golden Lion Square, Vicary’s Mill Leat and Queen Street War Memorial.

Looking after the historic St Leonard’s Tower is another responsibility as is the funding of the Museum and Newton’s Place community rooms.

The Town Council pays for floral displays and looks after bus shelters, provides allotments, awards shop improvement grants and employs Town Development Manager Sally Henley.

Each year it gives grants to grass roots organisations and arranges the annual events programme, including the Christmas festivities and classic car shows.

None of the Town Councillors receives a salary.

The new rates for 2024/2025 will take the Town Council’s total charge for a Band D property from £150.26 to £181.88, up 21 per cent.

Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker said: ‘Any increase in our share of the precept is regrettable but the Town Council needs, as a minimum, to maintain services.

‘Residents expect a clean and tidy town and we are determined to keep providing an attractive programme of free family events throughout the year.

‘Today, 61p doesn’t even buy half a cup of coffee but it’s amazing what Newton Abbot Town Council can do with that weekly investment, particularly when our district and county councils are having to cut services in response to falling revenue from central government.

‘And it would give a false impression to focus on the percentage increase.

‘What’s more, if we shy away from taking responsible decisions now we’d be failing our community and storing up problems for the future.

‘That’s not going to happen under our watch.’

 The below photo shows NATC Facilities Maintenance Officer Tony Little tackling weeds at Town Quay.

Don’t miss out on February 8 Bushell election

VOTERS in Newton Abbot’s Bushell Ward have been reminded not to miss out on the chance to elect a new member of the Town Council on February 8.

The seat includes Broadlands, Abbotsbury, Knowles Hill, Sandford Orleigh, Jetty Marsh and much of the town centre south of Newton Abbot College through to East Street.

Those eligible to vote include residents and business owners on the Electoral Register.

The seat is one of 18 on the Town Council and became available less than a year after the May 2023 local elections after sitting member Simon Walker stepped down for personal reasons.

Candidates hoping to fill the vacancy have until January 12 to submit their nominations.

Polling stations will be at the Salvation Army Community Hall, Newton Abbot Children’s Centre and Abbotsbury Church.

Although polling cards will not be issued, photographic ID will be required by those wishing to take part in the ballot.

Town Clerk Phil Rowe is hopeful the turnout will be better than that experienced elsewhere in the district where in one recent election only 14 per cent of the electorate cast their vote.

‘There are plenty of topics in our town that have given residents and businesses cause to express very strong opinions of late and although the Town Council has limited powers, only by serving as a member do you get a seat at the table where the meaningful discussions take place,’ he said.

‘Keyboard warriors might get plenty of likes on social media but that counts for nothing in the formal business of local government.

‘The UK system of democracy might not suit everyone but it’s the only one we have, make it work for you by taking part and being part of the election on February 8.’

The deadline for applications to vote by post is 5pm on Wednesday January 24

Applications for a Voter Authority Certificate (photo ID) or to vote by proxy must be submitted by 5pm on Wednesday January 31.

Polling will take place 7am – 10pm Thursday February 8.

For further information contact Teignbridge District Council Electoral Services on 01626 215104 or email [email protected]. or see

Voters in Newton Abbot urged to turn out for February 8 election

VOTERS in Newton Abbot have been urged not to miss an opportunity to take part in a forthcoming ballot for a vacant seat on the Town Council.

The Bushell Ward position has become available just six months after the May local elections as sitting member Simon Walker has stepped down for personal reasons.

Eligible candidates can submit their nominations between January 5 – 12 ahead of the vote on February 8.

Polling stations will be set up at the Salvation Army Community Hall, Newton Abbot Children’s Centre and Abbotsbury Church, although polling cards will not be issued.

Town Clerk Phil Rowe has urged the public to take the opportunity to elect a member they believe will best serve their interests.

‘A recent parish election elsewhere in the district resulted in just 14 per cent of the electorate turning up, that’s a disappointingly low figure,’ he said.

‘While I’m not saying the successful candidate isn’t up to the role, it is a fact that only a small proportion of those eligible to vote bothered to do so.

‘Effectively, a staggering 86 per cent of residents let a very few people speak on their behalf, can that be right?

‘There are plenty of topics in our town that have given residents and businesses cause to express very strong opinions of late and although the Town Council has limited powers, only by serving as a member do you get a seat at the table where the meaningful discussions take place.

‘Keyboard warriors might get plenty of likes on social media but that counts for nothing in the formal business of local government.

‘What I’m saying, is that if people in the town want their concerns to be voiced faithfully in the chamber, then they need to look at who’s standing for election and cast their vote for the individual they think will most faithfully represent them.

‘The UK system of democracy might not suit everyone but it’s the only one we have, make it work for you by taking part and being part of the election on February 8.’

Further information is available at or

Vision Zero South West

Motorcycle legend and TV presenter Henry Cole is the face of a new publicity campaign aimed at motorcyclists in Devon and Cornwall.

Henry, who is best known for his eccentric antics on ITV’s ‘The Motorbike Show’ and ‘Find It, Fix It, Flog It’ on Channel 4, fronts the powerful new campaign from the Vision Zero South West road safety partnership.

Tunnels of love: art by the community for the community

RESIDENTS and schoolchildren in Newton Abbot have been praised for the key role they played in transforming the town’s unwelcoming subways.

Four vandalised underpasses at Penn Inn have been given an artistic makeover with much of the creativity coming from those who use the site every day, an important pedestrian and cycle link which avoids the busy A380 road above.

Colourful ceramics, professional graffiti, fairground mirrors and photos are complemented by uplifting poems and prose, centred on the themes of air, water, fire and earth.

The Tunnels of Love project has been more than three years in the making, led by Newton Abbot Community Interest Company (CIC) and supported by The Arts Council England, Teignbridge District Council and Newton Abbot Town Council.

Project artist Kate Green told a gathering of invited guests at the unveiling on July 25 that the impressive results, already winning huge support on social media, had come about because of the community’s involvement. ‘It was more than three years ago, before Covid, that I was asked by the CIC and Cllr Jackie Hook if I could do something to brighten up the subways and I said, yes I will, but on one condition, it needs to be artwork made by local people and which is uplifting and means something. Everything here has been made by children from local schools and people from local groups. The subways also feature photographs of pedestrians, dog walkers and cyclists passing through Penn Inn’.

Two other locations in the town are set to benefit from similar makeovers later this year.

For more information or additional comment from key stakeholders please email Emily Farrell via [email protected] or call 07501889100

Below is a selection of images from the tunnels.

Oyez oyez oyez, town criers set to descend on Newton Abbot

A PARADE of richly-clad participants and civic dignitaries will launch the Newton Abbot Town Criers’ Competition on the morning of Saturday September 9.

Events are due to get under way at 10.15am when the representatives of 15 towns from four westcountry counties will make their way from the Royal British Legion to Courtenay Street.

The first ‘home town’ cry is to be heard at 10.45am, with more following until a break at 11.45am.

The second ‘sweets’ cry will begin at 12.45pm and last for an hour, after which the judges will announce the winners and present trophies and prizes.

Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker and his escort, Cllr Tom Corney-Walker, will make special presentations for the best dressed crier, best dressed escort and best dressed couple.

The host will be Newton Abbot’s own town crier, Nigel Kenneison, who is prevented from taking part in the competition by Guild rules.

Flying the flag for the Manorial Borough of Newton Abbot however will be Eveline Davies.

Also featuring on the day will be free family craft activities in Courtenay Street, courtesy of Creative Newton Abbot, plus the ancient St Leonard’s Tower will be open to visitors.

Another draw will be the offer of free face painting and balloons between 10am – 2pm.

‘This is a real taste of tradition in Newton Abbot and we’re looking forward to welcoming the criers from as far afield as Penzance in West Cornwall and Calne in Wiltshire,’ said Natalie Hicks, Events Co-ordinator for Newton Abbot Town Council.

‘We’re also opening up the clocktower as it’s a popular destination with locals and visitors alike, and in addition our Outreach Worker Kate Green will be providing a great free crafting event close by.

‘And we certainly know from previous events that the free balloons and face painting will go down a storm.

‘The actual cries will be taking place outside Austins but I’m sure no one will need directions, just follow the very loud voices coming from the town centre!

‘As a matter of interest, the traditional ‘oyez oyez oyez’ used by town criers to introduce themselves comes from old French and means ‘hear ye, hear ye, hear ye.

‘Believe it or not, it’s still used in American courts but thankfully you’ll not need to travel any further than Newton Abbot to hear it said on September 9.’

Newton Abbot Town Crier, Nigel Kenneison

For more information please email [email protected] or call 01626 201120.

Understanding the past to preserve stories for the future

Science of Collections Exhibition

A CANADIAN lynx that went on a killing spree in Newton Abbot and whose stuffed remains lain forgotten in a Bristol store for more than a century is among the artefacts set to star in a new exhibition at Newton Abbot Museum.

Also going on show as part of the Science of Collections event are fossils dating from 96 million years ago when Newton Abbot would have been lying under the warm waters of a shallow tropical ocean.

Curator India Jolly is hoping the month-long expo will help people understand the scientific processes that uncover the hidden natural history stories which lie beyond the exhibits.

‘From determining the lifestyle of a lynx raised in Newton Abbot, to supporting climate change data with 17th century butterflies, scientific processes can help uncover secrets of the past beyond the stories associated with the object,’ she said.

‘Science is used to conserve the items we look after. From fighting bug infestations to analysing the chemical make-up of materials, science helps us ensure that our museum collections are still here for future generations to discover.’

Complementing the exhibition are events throughout August, including family craft activities and evening talks. All explore history’s connection to the natural world,

The Lynx shot in 1903 had reportedly killed two farm dogs and ended up forgotten in the stores at Bristol Museum.

Scientific analysis of its DNA and bones confirmed it had lived at least part of its life in Newton Abbot, was raised in captivity and was between 11-17 years old at the time of its demise.

The 96 million-year-old fossil brittle stars were buried alive under the sea floor and have been preserved in spectacular detail.

‘The collection contains new species and provides information about their evolution and the ancient environment they lived in.

‘The exhibits are fascinating in their own right but the science which helps us understand them even more so,’ said India. 

The exhibition runs from August 1 – September 1, admission is free.  Visit for more information about summer events.

The below image shows the unfortunate lynx and other items from the exhibition


For more information email [email protected] or call 01626 201121.

Fired for Royalty Exhibition – Right royal celebration of potter at Newton Abbot Museum

NEWTON Abbot Museum is set to host a collection of historic pottery souvenirs created locally for key royal events of the past.

The Fired for Royalty exhibition is being staged by the Torquay Pottery Collectors Society with doors due to open on Saturday June 10 and the items on display until July 6 as a celebration of the recent coronation of King Charles III.

The Exhibition showcases more than 100 commemorative pieces produced for events including Queen Victoria’s Golden and Diamond Jubilees, the Coronation of King Edward VII in 1902, the Coronation and Silver Jubilee of King George V, the Coronation of King George VI and the Coronation and Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

Also commemorated in pottery is the abdication of King Edward VIII who gave up the throne in 1936 so he could marry divorcee Wallis Simpson.

Project Curator Andy Violet said: ‘The establishment of the first pottery, the Watcombe Terracotta Company in 1869, in the Torquay area, spawned a number of potteries in the immediate locality and the south Devon area. ‘These potteries, using clay that equalled and even surpassed the Italian clays, produced a number of royal commemoratives for the prominent royal events of the late nineteenth century.

‘The royal commemorative souvenirs produced in south Devon differ from those produced by the Staffordshire potteries in that they were not factory produced with transfer decoration, but were hand thrown on a potter’s wheel and hand decorated in earthy coloured slips with roses, thistles and shamrocks with sgraffitoed inscriptions, and incorporated a crown and the heads of the monarchs.

‘They have more artistic merit than those decorated with simple transfer designs produced by the Staffordshire potteries.’

Museum Curator India Jolly said: ‘It’s wonderful to have this collection of Devon commemoratives on display so close to where they were produced.

‘We’re very grateful to the Torquay Pottery Collectors Society for arranging the exhibition which I’m sure will prove to be very popular given the interest in the recent coronation.’

Entry to the museum is free, visit for details.

The above image shows Andy Violet with a piece of the commemorative pottery.

For more information email [email protected] or call 01626 201121.

Annual Town Meeting

Free ice cream among laws suggested at annual town meeting

TONGUE-IN-CHEEK laws suggested by youngsters at the Newton Abbot Annual Town Meeting on Saturday [May 19] included free ice cream, daughter and mother days every day, and for strawberries to rain from the sky on Fridays.

A more reflective idea was to plant three trees for every one felled while one dad, Sean Kirby, called for the legalisation of pot… hole filling.

The proposals were captured on rosettes created by the children who wore them with pride to spread the ‘vote me’ message.

The free fun activity reflected the more serious aim of the day which was to gather public opinion about services and facilities in the town.

Each community is legally bound to hold an annual meeting but most take place in halls or council chambers, often during the evening, meaning very few residents attend.

For several years Newton Abbot Town Council has instead erected a gazebo in the main shopping centre during the busiest part of the day, resulting in thousands of people having their say on countless topics.

Saturday’s event was another success with hundreds of conversations taking place between elected members, council staff and passers by.

‘I’m thrilled with the number of people we’ve engaged with, yet another very worthwhile exercise with the town council reaching out to the public,’ said Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker.

‘Most comments I heard were about our changing high streets, something being seen across the country of course, as more businesses go online.

‘But the good news in Newton Abbot is that our shop vacancy rate is well below the national average and the Town Council is constantly adding to the events programme so people still have plenty of reasons to visit.

‘We’re listening to the public and will do everything we can to keep Newton Abbot streets ahead of the web.’

Town Clerk Phil Rowe said more than 150 engagement forms had been handed out, in addition to the face-to-face conversations.

‘There’s not a council chamber in the country that would attract an audience that size,’ he said. ‘Staging the Newton Abbot Annual Meeting in the street is here to stay.’

The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting, but one hosted by the authority to enable residents to quiz members and officers on their past year’s work or raise matters of interest to electors.

It is a requirement of Local Government Act 1972 for town and parish councils to stage such events between March 1 – June 1 inclusive.

Below: Facilities Maintenance Officers Tony Little (L) and Steve Ryan show off some of the low and high tech cleaning kit

Below: Families enjoy the rosette and law-proposing activity with Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker in attendance

Below: Mayor Cllr David Corney-Walker prepares to meet with the public

Below: Sean Kirby and three-year-old son Ellis wearing their rosettes. Sean wanted to legalise pot… hole repairs while Ellis asked for free ice cream.