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Classic car show returns to Newton Abbot

THE motoring clock is due to be turned back a few decades in Newton Abbot on Saturday May 27 when the town centre plays host to its latest classic car show.

From 9am – 4pm scores of cherished vehicles are expected to gather around the Clock Tower and neighbouring streets in a free display that has always wowed the crowds in previous years.

While proud owners swap notes with fellow enthusiasts and chat to visitors, the retro atmosphere will be boosted further by live performances from The Liberty Sisters and popular local vocalist Simon Prince, singing a selection of hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s.

The event is being organised by members of local car club, Teignbridge Classics, in partnership with Newton Abbot Town Development Manager Sally Henley.

‘There has been a great deal of interest in the show already, our town centre is a popular destination for classic car owners as we know from past events,’ said Sally.

‘It is a great day out for both them and shoppers, there’s always a great atmosphere in town.

‘This will be the second year that Teignbridge Classics is in charge of the show and I know that, weather permitting, it’s promising to be a full house.

‘It’s going to be a real treat for everyone and I’m sure the town will be buzzing all day.

‘But if you can’t make it, or one show just isn’t enough, don’t forget that we’ll be staging another classic car gathering in September, again thanks to Teignbridge Classics about whom you can find out all at their website,

‘Parp parp, as Mr Toad would say!’

For more information please email

The above image shows members of Teignbridge Classics with a selection of Minis outside Austins!